Exceptional homes
from ordinary apartments

About us

Our team manages and develops a technology platform that coordinates renovations, efficiently allocates craftsmen, supplies buildings with materials from warehouses, creates unique interiors in each apartment, and enables the completion of quality and fast renovations.

We sell apartments with kitchens and appliances, yet they are a more affordable and sustainable alternative to new construction. We have reconstructed and sold 150+ apartments which makes us one of the largest suppliers of reconstructed apartments on the Czech real estate market.

Apartments for Sale

We currently offer for sale the following properties. All apartments are completely renovated to a high standard.

Praha 14 – Hloubětín
Brno – Ponava
Praha 10 – Vršovice
Praha 9 – Prosek
Praha 9 – Prosek
Praha 6 – Vokovice


Máte zájem o koupi bytu z naší neveřejné nabídky se slevou až 5 % ?

Při koupi bytu ve fázi rekonstrukce budete mít nejen slevu, ale i možnost bezplatně rozhodnout o designu Vašeho bytu ve spolupráci s naší designérkou.
Pokud chcete obdržet naší aktuální nabídku bytů v rekonstrukci a být prvním, kdo se dozví o nově připravovaných bytech, vyplňte formulář níže.

Odesláním vyplněného formuláře poskytujete souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů.

Are you intrested in buying an apartment from our private offer with a discount of up to 5% ?

When purchasing an apartment in the reconstruction phase, you will not only receive a discount but also have the opportunity to freely decide on the design of your apartment in collaboration with our designer.
If you want to receive our current offer of apartments under renovation and be the first to find out about newly prepared units, please fill out the form below.

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