We are looking for a new team member! Operations Specialist – UPDATE – Job closed

Are you looking for part-time or temporary work? Are you interested in the real estate market and want to gain experience? Are you interested in working in a young, relaxed team and in a modern office in Vinohrady? We are expanding our team and are looking for a part-time Operations Specialist to join our Prague office. If you are interested in the position description below, please contact us at HR@novaetvetera.cz.

We offer:

  • Part-time: 18-24 hours per week, flexible working hours
  • Place of work: náměstí Jiřího z Poděbrad 6, Prague 3 – Vinohrady
  • Business trips: approx. 10% of working time, Prague area
  • Benefits: MultiSport, motivational financial bonuses according to the work done

Position description:

As an Operation Specialist, you will be in charge of organizing the running of our company. You will coordinate staff activities and communicate both internally and externally with our suppliers and partners.

Your main tasks will be:

  • Planning and coordinating the activities of our team
  • Planning the furnishing of our apartments together with interior designers
  • Planning designer kitchens, supporting our clients in meeting their interior design requirements
  • Transfers of energy supply contracts
  • Creative ideas for our advertising channels, social media posts
  • Updating and upgrading our website
  • Cooperation with our partners who take care of our advertising campaigns on social networks and on the Internet (SMM, PPC)
  • Scheduling meetings with clients, business partners and investors
  • Minor administrative tasks and organization of our internal documentation

Our requirements:

  • Sense of order, organization, creativity, planning and communication
  • Czech and English at a communicative level, Russian or Ukrainian a significant advantage
  • Proactive, motivated, team player; interested in company growth and own career advancement
  • Ideally a student of economics, business, architecture or related fields
  • Previous experience in business operations an advantage.

Máte zájem o koupi bytu z naší neveřejné nabídky se slevou až 5 % ?

Při koupi bytu ve fázi rekonstrukce budete mít nejen slevu, ale i možnost bezplatně rozhodnout o designu Vašeho bytu ve spolupráci s naší designérkou.
Pokud chcete obdržet naší aktuální nabídku bytů v rekonstrukci a být prvním, kdo se dozví o nově připravovaných bytech, vyplňte formulář níže.

Odesláním vyplněného formuláře poskytujete souhlas se zpracováním osobních údajů.

Are you intrested in buying an apartment from our private offer with a discount of up to 5% ?

When purchasing an apartment in the reconstruction phase, you will not only receive a discount but also have the opportunity to freely decide on the design of your apartment in collaboration with our designer.
If you want to receive our current offer of apartments under renovation and be the first to find out about newly prepared units, please fill out the form below.

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